Air Conditioning Maintenance plus the Meaning of Life

Air Conditioning Maintenance plus the Meaning of Life

My neighbor just told me that he doesn’t have any free time in his day to hang out with me while I am here for the next two weeks. That is anxious because my pal and I used to be best friends plus spent all of our free time together. He works Monday through Wednesday running his construction business plus by the time he gets home each evening it is late plus he has no energy. He has to take care of his kids plus by the time dinner is done it is time to get them ready for bed. His Heating as well as Air Conditioning contractor keeps him busy almost all of the time as he has like 25 Heating as well as Air Conditioning techs plus Heating as well as Air Conditioning reps working for him plus there is consistently someone texting or calling him. On Sundays he said he has to work on the lawn plus the home plus after he is done with all of that stuff it is time to get the kids to bed again. I assume I could help him do some furnace repairs as I am a certified Heating as well as Air Conditioning expert plus that is absolutely the only way I will get to see him. It seems like all of my friends are so busy that I absolutely won’t see them till they retire! This is why I work part time doing Heating as well as Air Conditioning system repairs plus heating component sales; so I have time to live life plus not work all of the time. There is more to life than just working plus getting by. I assume I’ll just go meet my heating contractor for dinner at least.
