Zone Heating

Zone Heating

My parents used to argument over the same thing every afternoon. I used to get so frustrated as a child listening to them bicker over the temperature settings in our small country home. My mother was always too cold. She would be dressed in thick layers during the Spring months. She was always sneaking around,

Carpooling with warm woman

Carpooling with warm woman

I’m not truly sure what factors play into the natural body temperature deviations of individuals, although I can tell you that my coworker as well as I legitimately differ in respect to these characteristics. It wasn’t much of a problem at work, because we’re in an office with a set temperature program which no one

School is stressful, paying bills is even worse

School is stressful, paying bills is even worse

If you have gone back to school in the last 20 years I commend you for all of the stress that you’ve been under. It is no laughing matter when it comes to education & degrees these afternoons. It seems like it’s impossible to get any kind of task unless you have attended an lavish

Telling Grandma about real world troubles – you can live in FL

Telling Grandma about real world troubles – you can live in FL

When people talk about having amazing families, I do not know how to relate, however i particularly care about and respect my Dad and sibling, however outside of that I do not have much to do with the rest of the family, then my aunts and uncles have never been close to me, and they

Smart thermostat still hasn’t adapted

Smart thermostat still hasn’t adapted

When I returned home in the night the indoor air handling devices would anticipate my arrival plus adjust the indoor air temperature accordingly This year has particularly been the strangest won in American history. I think everyone is getting pretty fed up with all of the drama that has been going on in our country

Our a/c fell through the roof

Our a/c fell through the roof

Our a/c fell through our roof last evening. It was a stormy evening when it happened, and my dad thought that lightning struck our roof. My friend and I should have seen it coming since we had seen a few cracks in the ceiling a few afternoons before and it was right under where our

The drainfield repair was really expensive

The drainfield repair was really expensive

Not that long ago I had some issues with my drainfield. It was stinky outside and there was standing water in the yard. I knew it was a septic concern. I was really worried about the cost. Anytime something is wrong with septic or drainage due to the septic, that is a hefty bill. So

Sleeping in the living room

Sleeping in the living room

I grew up with five siblings in a single parent home. My mom did a great job of raising us and learned different ways to get by as a single mom. She was very creative and found ways to save money so that we could live a comfortable life. She clipped coupons and saved on

Mom is too protective; terrified of kid falling in HVAC duct

Mom is too protective; terrified of kid falling in HVAC duct

I absolutely cherish my mom but she can be a bit over-the-top. She is consistently coming up with some up-to-date thing to be anxious about plus talking your ear off about it. If you aren’t interested that won’t stop her from running her mouth. I try my best to be patient plus understanding with her

Going to the Beach Later After I Write Five More of These

Going to the Beach Later After I Write Five More of These

I’m going to push myself a bit now that nobody is house as well as try to get some more writing done. The kids were a little bit loud here as well as now they are gone for a while, so I should have a little bit of peace as well as quiet before they

AC unit for Christmas

AC unit for Christmas

It’s funny how when you become an adult Christmas is not a big deal anymore. In fact, when Christmas rolls around every year I like to ask for the most practical things I can recognize of. That way, I don’t have to pay for them myself. I can accomplish my adult living goals and my

Seasonal need for HVAC

Seasonal need for HVAC

The winter season was even less forgiving, with frigid temperatures and even colder wind chills For the first 27 years of my life I lived within a 200 mile radius in the state I was born. I grew pretty accustomed to the way of life there, including the difficult climate. I didn’t realize how hard

Installing another air vent at a local office building

Installing another air vent at a local office building

My job requires a lot of physical demands at times, it’s a lot of bending and kneeling. I have been doing my job for about ten years now and I have a feeling that I will only be able to continue with my job, as an Heating and Air Conditioning professional for the next five

Daughter tells me she can’t sleep without AC unit

Daughter tells me she can’t sleep without AC unit

I try my best to be a unbelievable parent, however it isn’t straight-forward. These afternoons there are so many things to watch out for when you’re raising a young lady. If it’s not their cellphones, it’s the state of the economy or our civil unrest. It just seems like there’s trouble at every turn, &

The perks of getting a smart thermostat

The perks of getting a smart thermostat

There are so many perks to getting a smart thermostat that many people don’t consider. Whenever an HVAC technician installs a central air conditioner or new furnace into a home, they always give a pitch about a smart thermostat. While many HVAC technicians and customers see this pitch as just a way the HVAC technician

The perks of getting a smart control device

The perks of getting a smart control device

There are so many perks to getting a smart control device that many people don’t consider. Whenever an Heating plus Air Conditioning specialist installs a central a/c or new boiler into a home, they constantly give a pitch about a smart control unit. While many Heating plus Air Conditioning specialists and clients see this pitch

Opting for ductless multi split system

Opting for ductless multi split system

There is no doubt that regular, seasonal Heating plus Air Conditioning maintenance works. The heat pump my buddy and I just replaced is proof of that. I thought my buddy and I might get 20 years out of that heat pump when my buddy and I bought our house. It was a replacement Heating plus

Too much moisture in the air for glue to dry

Too much moisture in the air for glue to dry

We’ve been doing a ton of dwelling renovation projects lately, as well as I’ve truly been enjoying the experience of putting cherish as well as care into the location where I reside. I like to be involved with these large projects, because they keep me busy as well as active, while keeping my brain distracted

Movie Theater

Movie Theater

My favorite venue in the world is the Dipson Theater! It fascinates me beyond compare. Reading about the history alone is enough to keep me captivated for hours. Years ago, Dipson Theaters showed silent films. Then they added live music with musicians playing music along with the silent films. Finally, sound was added to make

Seasonal need for Heating and Air Conditioning

Seasonal need for Heating and Air Conditioning

For the first 27 years of my life I lived within a 200 mile radius in the state I was born. I grew pretty accustomed to the way of life there, including the difficult climate. I didn’t realize how difficult the weather made life until I recently relocated and got a taste of a new

Five More Heating plus Cooling Technology Stories plus Then a Rest

Five More Heating plus Cooling Technology Stories plus Then a Rest

Last evening there was a celebration at my aunt’s home plus my pal and I had so much fun. My brother plus I sang some music plus played our guitar plus drum while my mom plus step dad watched us. My fine friend and I sang a song about mom plus just made it up

Telling Grandma about real world problems – you can live in FL

Telling Grandma about real world problems – you can live in FL

When people talk about having amazing families, I do not know how to relate, and i particularly prefer in addition to respect my mom in addition to brother, however outside of that I do not have much to do with the rest of the family, however my aunts in addition to uncles have never been

Roof was covered under hurricane harm

Roof was covered under hurricane harm

My area goes through hurricane season every year. Usually, it is a lot of talk plus some light rain. Unluckyly, this year brought about high winds, horrible rain, plus a bit of harm, and a tree on my rental home fell down plus hit the roof of one of my units, and the roof overhanging

The furnace at the ecumenical household broke

The furnace at the ecumenical household broke

The furnace at the ecumenical household broke as well as I had to go rescue the elderly people… The furnace at the ecumenical household had been having various complications the past month, as well as they had busy for a Heating as well as A/C supplier to come in in one week to do an

AC breaks at the Heating and Air Conditioning repair shop

AC breaks at the Heating and Air Conditioning repair shop

Sometimes life is just way too ironic to be coincidental. I wonder if there are messages from the universe being sent my direction on a regular basis, however for instance, every time I have a disadvantage energy it seems like more negativity flows into my life. If I’m not being grateful for everything that I