I cannot wait for the day that I get to put on my air conditioner once again.
It means better afternoons. It means warmer afternoons. It also means a happier me. I just love the warm weather and I appreciate the air conditioner to the heat being on in my house. The temperature outside makes me feel so great about myself and it makes me absolutely really glad. However, the warmer weather seems to be really far off as of right now. The hot and cold temperatures are still getting colder. I am hoping that the next week coming up will be the last really frosty week for this winter. I am dreading the snow coming as well. It is a great thing I had my Heating, Ventilation and A/C system tuned up in the fall. Without a tune up in the fall my system could split down. It would split down right in the middle of winter. I would be left without heat and that would make for a not so glad me. The tune up makes it so that my Heating, Ventilation and A/C system can last all winter time long. It will last without and breakdowns. The winter time where I live can often be a really long season. It is important to makes sure the system is clean. It is important to check for defective parts within the system ahead of time, but clogged filters and defective parts can cause the system to split down. I am fortunate to not have had my furnace split down at all. Especially at night I would need to pay for extra emergency repair or I would freeze all night.