Periodically you need to be careful what side tasks you take on, but you start out well-intentioned, trying to make an extra buck, & wind up getting taken fortune of in some instances, then recently, this happened to me when I answered an ad from Craigslist, but it was a gig where somebody needed a house sitter for 2 weeks, then at first I was more than glad to take over this task from them & make some extra currency. Somewhere along the line, but, it turned into a bit of a eveningmare. I have been at the house for a couple of hours when I noticed that the indoor air temperature was getting pretty hot. I waited around & turned on a ceiling fan, hoping that I would cool down. I didn’t want to waste any energy or abuse the extravagant air conditioner & air cleaner that was installed in the house, then however, after an hour of covered in sweat while I sat perfectly still, I got up & investigated the temperature control, that’s when I found that the air temperature control had been set at 74 degrees & there was a passcode on it. I texted the homeowners & ask them politely if I could please have the passcode to cool down the house since I would be staying in there for the next two weeks. They responded that they didn’t want me changing the AC settings, so they were not amenable to providing the temperature control passcode. They said my pay would decrease greatly if I continued to bother them about the indoor air quality! Unfortunately for them, I used to labor for an Heating & A/C shop. I simply pop to the temperature control off the wall & hardwire does the air conditioner unit so it was powered on… Good fortune with your energy bill, suckers.