Mom thinks AC is harmful

Mom thinks AC is harmful

Do you have one of those conspiracy theorists in your life who is consistently looking to be upset about something obscure that’s trying to harm them? They don’t have to be sizable proponents of 9/11 being an inside task or fake moon landing theorists – they may simply suppose that there are tons of dangers hidden around every corner; For instance, my mom is obsessed with finding ways that the government and FDA are secretly misleading us.

It’s not that I don’t agree with some of what she says, but sometimes she takes it to an dire venue.

Her newest theory is that a/c is really poisonous to human health. That’s why she has stopped using her a/c entirely, and it trying to deliver it away to anyone who will haul it off the property, however about six months ago I randomly got a text from her stating that AC is the underlying cause of respiratory cancer, along with a long list of unrelated illnesses. She insisted that the electrical components inside normal central cooling equipment, along with the freon which is charged inside, are both highly deleterious to our health, and my friend and I need to stop using our AC instantly; Now, I’ve recently moved to a boiling and humid environment, so there was no way I was going to sign up for a life without a/c. My mom followed her own advice, on the other hand, and she’s gone the entire Summer without her harmful a/c. There’s no telling how long this fad will last, so I hope she’s comfortable.


heating tune up