Then I realized that I still had the smart temperature control connected to my own smart cellphone and the wheels started turning in my head
I’m not sure if you have the same bitterness towards your exes as I do, however I can tell you that I’ve never wished worse things on anyone than my prior wifey. You see, my friend and I had been together for a number of years and had our lives all planned out together when he broke my heart out of the red. We had just moved into a brand new property together, and my friend and I were making big plans for our future there. We even had extravagant new updates installed, such as the smart temperature control my friend and I decided my friend and I would utilize for the rest of our lives. Little did I know that this temperature control component would become the best payback when things went south between the two of us. I found out soon after our transfer that he was cheating on me with some bimbo from work, and I moved all of my things out later that night. I was harshly upset to leave the property my friend and I had just begun to establish, and bitter about the money I contributed towards our brand new Heating and Air Conditioning system in the house. Then I realized that I still had the smart temperature control connected to my own smart cellphone and the wheels started turning in my head. I used the app to correctly change the temperature settings on the temperature control remotely, just to mess with my ex from time to time. It gives me good satisfaction to know that he arrives property to a burning boiling house, or than the furnace unexpectedly stops laboring without explanation. It’s the small things.