Shop owner lets us sweat in the back

Shop owner lets us sweat in the back

Who you labor for makes a large difference in your overall life satisfaction, and i have had a lot of genuinely horrible bosses before in my life; Unluckyly, it seems like tyrannical as well as uncaring men hold a site in nearly every business that I have ever encountered, however for some reason, these are the characters who rise to the top as well as start making large decisions for the entire organization… This is why I have dealt with a lot of sexual harassment as well as unlucky tribalism in my professional job, then most recently, I have been contending with an uncomfortable labor environment once again… However, this time the discomfort is quite literal.

My boss absolutely hates paying for indoor air quality control for his employees.

I labor at a little pizza shop where the front of the dining facility is ice cold with high-quality air conditioning. Unluckyly, the home office has absolutely no air conditioning measures in site… Because my pal and I are running a burning hot brick oven in the back, the air quality is oppressively hot to a dangerous degree. We do not even have a semblance of a breeze in the home office, let alone a cooling system to help us maintain a comfortable indoor air temperature, however everyday when I am leaving the pizza shop I am drenched with sweat from my boiling hours separate from air conditioning. We’ve all tried to talk to the owner of the business about the air conditioning unit, but he refuses to entertain the conversation about improving our Heating as well as A/C system. If he ever stepped foot in the home office he would understand why my pal and I needed a cooling system.


air conditioning maintenance