The difference between new and seasoned a/cs and boilers is big and is worth talking about.
When I was a kid, I loved learning about the early stages of technology, particularly in the world of Heating plus Air Conditioning.
I learned about the first window a/c that was made from only a few unusual parts. Then I learned about the wood boiler that was big in its day. After that I learned about central a/cs and gas, oil, and electric boilers. A little later air cleaners became a big deal and every heating and cooling company wanted to get them on their shelves. I loved learning about all of these things. Now that I am older, I savor working on a/c units and boilers and building them myself. I also work as an Heating plus Air Conditioning specialist on the side for extra money. All this to say, I know a lot about both new and seasoned Heating plus Air Conditioning units, and I wanted to take a minute to compare them. Many people think that technology has advanced so much over the years that an seasoned a/c or boiler would be unparticular to the new eye. This simply is not true. The truth is, seasoned window a/cs were structured much like new window a/cs, just with easyr internal parts, old window a/cs did not, however, have any air filters which does make a big difference in how well they work. Back in the day, central a/cs were not absolutely heard of except for in some of the more wealthy homes. Back then, commercial a/cs were more of what many normal households have as their central a/cs.