Easy AC Options for Homeowners

Planning AC system for new construction

Planning AC system for new construction

When my husband and I built a new home in Largo, Florida, the air conditioner was a main priority. Due to the high heat and humidity in our local area, the air conditioner runs for most of the year. We seldom get to raise the thermostat setting or open the windows. The AC unit has

Neglected AC maintenance leads to repair

Neglected AC maintenance leads to repair

When I had a new central air conditioner installed into my home, I should have enrolled in a maintenance agreement with the HVAC contractor. Because of the considerable cost of the cooling unit and installation fees, I was reluctant to invest more money. I assumed that the air conditioner would operate just fine for a

Refrigerant leak requires AC repair

Refrigerant leak requires AC repair

My husband and I were delighted to retire to Jacksonville, Florida. We’d had enough of sub zero temperatures, record-setting amounts of snow and blizzard conditions. We toured numerous homes, looking for a property in a safe location with plenty of yard and privacy. We found a little house on the river that was in need

Hard water causes problems

Hard water causes problems

I’m continuously calling on professional plumbers to replace corroded faucets, fix leaking water lines and remove clogs. When my husband and I purchased our home, we were delighted by the sizable lawn, privacy and wide front porch. We were thrilled with the open floor plan, brand new appliances and plenty of closet space. The hardwood

Vacationing in Largo

Vacationing in Largo

Largo is located on the west-central coast of Florida and a great place to live or visit. My family spends the Christmas holidays in Largo every year. We look forward to the gorgeous weather, beautiful sights and endless opportunities for activities. I am a fan of the shopping. I like to wander the local boutiques

I knew the noises were a sign of distress

I knew the noises were a sign of distress

I heard a weird and bizarre noise coming from the air conditioning unit in my apartment. It didn’t seem to affect the air conditioning system, so I tried to ignore the weird sound. After a couple of days, the noise stopped occurring and I forgot about it. This weekend I heard the same weird sound

Air conditioning repairs and maintenance keep me busy

Air conditioning repairs and maintenance keep me busy

I work for an air conditioning repair, maintenance, and installation company in Northeast Florida. The air conditioning repair, maintenance, and installation company is based out of Jacksonville, but we service all of Duval county and the surrounding areas. During the summer months, air conditioning repairs and maintenance keep me very busy. From morning until night,

Plumbers are plentiful in Vineland

Plumbers are plentiful in Vineland

Vineland, NJ, is a great place to work and live. About 10 years ago, my family moved to Vineland. I got a job at the medical center and I was excited about the move down south. We were living in Northern New Jersey, but moving to Vineland took us several hours away from our first

Fuel choices limit HVAC choices

Fuel choices limit HVAC choices

When you make the decision to live out in the country you need to realize that you may not have some of the resources you have when living closer to cities. If you are in a highly populated area you can choose from every utility company out there, but, if you live in outlying areas

Surprise discovery in the basement

Surprise discovery in the basement

I work for a company that provides cleaning services for families after a person passes. Many times it is just too emotional for them or they are overwhelmed by the amount of stuff that a person has collected. Oftentimes we have encountered homes that are so packed with useless items that we have to hire