Got drenched, then frozen, in storm

Got drenched, then frozen, in storm

You never know what weather you’re going to get in this section of the country. I know people regularly guess that they have the worst weather conditions on the planet wherever they live..… But I guess that my nice friend and I really might be a contender for the prize. Everyday it seems like a

Air Conditioning Maintenance plus the Meaning of Life

Air Conditioning Maintenance plus the Meaning of Life

My friend just told me that he doesn’t have any free time in his afternoon to hang out with me while I am here for the next two weeks. That is sad because my associate and I used to be best friends plus spent all of our free time together. He works Monday through Sunday

Roof was covered under hurricane harm

Roof was covered under hurricane harm

My area goes through hurricane season every year. Usually, it is a lot of talk plus some light rain. Unluckyly, this year brought about high winds, horrible rain, plus a bit of harm, and a tree on my rental home fell down plus hit the roof of one of my units, and the roof overhanging

Jury duty can’t be worse, unless AC never stops

Jury duty can’t be worse, unless AC never stops

Every night when my friend and I speak, she says she isfantasizing about standing in normal levels of a/c when she gets home This week has been a particularally exhausting one. I have been meeting every frustration, obstacle, and dead ends that you can imagine. Every afternoon, my commute to work has been awful. The

AC breaks at the Heating as well as Air Conditioning maintenance shop

AC breaks at the Heating as well as Air Conditioning maintenance shop

Occasionally life is just way too ironic to be coincidental. I wonder if there are messages from the universe being sent my direction on a regular basis, however for instance, every time I have a disadvantage energy it seems like more negativity flows into my life. If I’m not being grateful for everything that I

Our a/c fell through the roof

Our a/c fell through the roof

Our a/c fell through our roof last night. It was a stormy night when it happened, as well as my dad thought that lightning struck our roof. My buddy and I should have seen it coming since my great friend and I had seen a few cracks in the ceiling a few mornings before as

Installing a brand new heating system

Installing a brand new heating system

Now that winter is on the way I have to replace my HVAC system. I had to replace my HVAC system last year. However I could not afford to do this last year. I had a bunch of other things that I had to fix after last year. So now that it is fall I

Heating plus Cooling in government buildings

Heating plus Cooling in government buildings

Every cooling system was blasting on level 11 Today, I didn’t go to work. I feel genuinely fantastic about it. I needed a chop from my severely stressful labor environment, where everything has been going wrong for several months now. I cannot remember the last time that my fantastic friend and I had a single

The drainfield repair was easily expensive

The drainfield repair was easily expensive

Not that long ago I had some complications with my drainfield! It was smelly outside and there was laying water in the yard. I knew it was a septic concern. I was easily distraught about the cost, then anytime something is wrong with septic or drainage due to the septic, that is a hefty bill,

An Easy Day of Writing plus Then a Swim in the Cold Gulf of Mexico

An Easy Day of Writing plus Then a Swim in the Cold Gulf of Mexico

I went to the gulf yupterday for a dip to wake myself up a bit, plus I must admit that it was easily freezing for me. I guess the sea temp is around 65F, which is still warmer than what I did in the winter time when I swam in 52F water overseas in February.

Got drenched, then frozen, in storm

Got drenched, then frozen, in storm

You never know what weather you’re going to get in this section of the country. I know people always know that they have the worst weather conditions on the planet wherever they live..… But I know that my pal and I entirely might be a contender for the prize. Everyday it seems like a battle

AC broke and recommend hooks fell down

AC broke and recommend hooks fell down

I’ve never lived in a apartment that I’ve owned myself. My adult existence so far has been contained within rented house units, where I can barely afford to pay the rent. Because I’ve regularly rented, I’ve had to find ways to decorate that are not permanent, so I can leave the house in the same

Never going again

Never going again

My friends and family are constantly trying to convince me to get out of the house more often. They think that I have a problem with being a homebody and refusing to leave. They kept pushing me to join an online Meetup Group, which would have real life members meetings every few weeks. I was

Mom is too protective; terrified of kid falling in air duct

Mom is too protective; terrified of kid falling in air duct

I really love my mom but she can be a bit over-the-top. She is constantly coming up with some new thing to be worried about and talking your ear off about it. If you aren’t interested that won’t stop her from running her mouth. I try my best to be patient and understanding with her

Smart Thermostat

Smart Thermostat

I can turn the control unit off while I am at toil in addition to turn it back on during my commute home. I recently purchased a new household last year. During the process of finding a new household in addition to renovating this home, I learned so multiple things. For example, I didn’t realize

Sweet Heating and A/C is reward after all morning outside

Sweet Heating and A/C is reward after all morning outside

There are instances that happen quite often in life that are just brilliant, some of those instances last mere seconds but their value is not exactly measurable, then i’m not so sure how I’d deal with my morning if it weren’t for that sweet few seconds when I walk into the central air conditioner of

Seasonal need for HVAC

Seasonal need for HVAC

The winter season was even less forgiving, with frigid temperatures and even colder wind chills For the first 27 years of my life I lived within a 200 mile radius in the state I was born. I grew pretty accustomed to the way of life there, including the difficult climate. I didn’t realize how hard

Shop owner lets us sweat in the back

Shop owner lets us sweat in the back

Who you work for makes a big difference in your overall life satisfaction. I have had a lot of really horrible bosses before in my life. Unfortunately, it seems like tyrannical and uncaring men hold a place in nearly every company that I have ever encountered. For some reason, these are the characters who rise

The perks of getting a smart control device

The perks of getting a smart control device

There are so many perks to getting a smart control device that many people don’t consider. Whenever an Heating plus Air Conditioning specialist installs a central a/c or new boiler into a home, they constantly give a pitch about a smart control unit. While many Heating plus Air Conditioning specialists and clients see this pitch

Jury duty can’t be worse, unless AC never stops

Jury duty can’t be worse, unless AC never stops

This week has been a particularly terrible one. I have been meeting every frustration, obstacle, and dead ends that you can imagine. Every morning, my commute to work has been awful. The environment around the office has been tense and full of mishaps. And there have been a lot of miscommunications with my loved ones.

The no Heating as well as A/C challenge

The no Heating as well as A/C challenge

I’m sure everyone has heard of the ice bag challenge, which was immensely popular a few years ago. It was supposed to be a charitable social media challenge, in which people dumped a large bag of ice water on themselves as well as any proceeds raised during the stunt went to charity, however well, I’ve

My neighbor’s Heating plus Air Conditioning is an issue

My neighbor’s Heating plus Air Conditioning is an issue

There is just no way that a homeowner can be forced to replace heating plus cooling equipment that still works great It seems like almost everyone I deal with these nights is mad. I mean some of the faces I see around me are just angry or complete stone. It’s so refreshing to walk inside

Dad is too protective; terrified of kid falling in HVAC duct

Dad is too protective; terrified of kid falling in HVAC duct

I really care about my Dad despite the fact that she can be a bit over-the-top, but she is constantly coming up with some modern thing to be distraught about and talking your ear off about it. If you are not interested that won’t stop her from running her mouth. I try my best to

My acquaintance works as an a/c installation specialist in Palm Bay FL

My acquaintance works as an a/c installation specialist in Palm Bay FL

My acquaintance Danny recently made a sizable transfer from where my friend and I live in the Midwest all the way down to Palm Bay FL. She decided that she wanted to labor down there because she just needed a change in her life. I understand that it is fantastic to try a geographical cure

I have to hire someone to do an a/c installation in Palm Bay, FL

I have to hire someone to do an a/c installation in Palm Bay, FL

I suppose that it’s for sure that your a/c is only ever going to be as fantastic as your a/c installation, plus the way my friend and I were going, that means that our cooling component would never work at all! Right now, I am currently looking to hire someone to do an a/c installation

Giving custom furniture as a wedding gift

Giving custom furniture as a wedding gift

A great thing to do for a loved one is to have custom furniture made for them; People like to receive gifts that have had some thought put into them. Some people can be more difficult to shop for- those who just seem to have everything already, however i can assure you that a custom

2023 is Going to be My Year to Get Into Great Shape Again

2023 is Going to be My Year to Get Into Great Shape Again

I’ve been slacking a bit with my diet over the past six or eight months just due to laziness, but now I am going to rev up the workouts and tighten up the diet again for the coming year. I am not that out of shape but I can see more fat around my waist

In some cases, a heater just isn’t enough.

In some cases, a heater just isn’t enough.

My sister is one of those people who is always cold. No matter how many layers of clothes she puts on, she seems to never really get warm. Once I noticed that she always had at least two pairs of socks on when in her house and she would still check the thermostat and try