Too much moisture in the air for glue to dry

Too much moisture in the air for glue to dry

We’ve been doing a ton of apartment renovation projects lately, and I’ve really been enjoying the experience of putting prefer and care into the location where I reside. I like to be involved with these pressing projects, because they keep me busy and active, while keeping my brain distracted from all the other stresses of

Daughter tells me she can’t sleep without AC unit

Daughter tells me she can’t sleep without AC unit

I try my best to be a fine parent, but it isn’t easy. These afternoons there are so many things to watch out for when you’re raising a young person. If it’s not their cellphones, it’s the state of the economy or our civil unrest. It just seems like there’s trouble at every turn, as

Got drenched, then frozen, in storm

Got drenched, then frozen, in storm

You never know what weather you’re going to get in this section of the country. I know people regularly guess that they have the worst weather conditions on the planet wherever they live..… But I guess that my nice friend and I really might be a contender for the prize. Everyday it seems like a

Opting for ductless multi split system

Opting for ductless multi split system

There is no doubt that regular, seasonal Heating and A/C maintenance works. The heat pump my great friend and I just updated is proof of that. I thought my great friend and I might get 20 years out of that heat pump when my great friend and I bought our house. It was a updatement

Installing another air vent at a local office building

Installing another air vent at a local office building

My job requires a lot of physical demands at times, it’s a lot of bending and kneeling. I have been doing my job for about ten years now and I have a feeling that I will only be able to continue with my job, as an Heating and A/C company for the next five years.

Furnace never had air filter changed

Furnace never had air filter changed

I moved into my last apartment over 4 years ago, and stayed there until relocating just last month. It wasn’t a nice place by any means – it was situated in a large complex that had incredibly cheap rent and basic amenities I needed to live comfortably. The building was old and falling apart. The

The no Heating as well as A/C challenge

The no Heating as well as A/C challenge

I’m sure everyone has heard of the ice bag challenge, which was immensely popular a few years ago. It was supposed to be a charitable social media challenge, in which people dumped a large bag of ice water on themselves as well as any proceeds raised during the stunt went to charity, however well, I’ve

Space heater

Space heater

My father taught me to constantly be prepared. I have carried this motto with me throughout life. I am the type of person that looks at a menu online before going to a restaurant as well as chooses my meal in order to be prepared, however some say that I am over the top, but

They almost got away with it.

They almost got away with it.

Satisfied with my observations, I sent in my report to the office as well as called the doctors I work at my town’s detective agency as well as over the years I have see a lot of odd cases that involed murder. Recently there was a case that came up that I was assigned to

AC broke and recommend hooks fell down

AC broke and recommend hooks fell down

I’ve never lived in a apartment that I’ve owned myself. My adult existence so far has been contained within rented house units, where I can barely afford to pay the rent. Because I’ve regularly rented, I’ve had to find ways to decorate that are not permanent, so I can leave the house in the same

AC unit for Christmas

AC unit for Christmas

It’s funny how when you become an adult Christmas is not a crucial deal anymore. In fact, when Christmas rolls around every year I like to ask for the most practical things I can think of. That way, I do not have to spend money for them myself. I can accomplish my adult residing goals

Roof was covered, thank goodness!

Roof was covered, thank goodness!

My area goes through hurricane season every year, and usually, it is a lot of talk plus some light rain. Unfortunately, this year brought about high winds, horrible rain, plus a bit of disfigurement! A tree on my rental household fell down plus hit the roof of one of my units, the roof overhanging the

Seasonal need for Heating and Air Conditioning

Seasonal need for Heating and Air Conditioning

For the first 27 years of my life I lived within a 200 mile radius in the state I was born. I grew pretty accustomed to the way of life there, including the difficult climate. I didn’t realize how difficult the weather made life until I recently relocated and got a taste of a new

In some cases, a heating system just isn’t enough.

In some cases, a heating system just isn’t enough.

My sister is one of those people who is always cold, but no matter how several layers of clothes she puts on, she seems to never easily get warm. Once I noticed that she always had at least two pairs of socks on when in her apartment plus she would still check the thermostat plus

Going to the Beach Later After I Write Five More of These

Going to the Beach Later After I Write Five More of These

I’m going to push myself a bit now that nobody is apartment plus try to get some more writing done. The kids were a little bit loud here plus now they are gone for a while, so I should have a little bit of peace plus quiet before they get back. I may hang out

Lectured by the Heating plus A/C tech for bargain air filters

Lectured by the Heating plus A/C tech for bargain air filters

Sporadically I really want to tell people to back off as well as treat me with a little respect. I know that I am a relatively young as well as charming woman, but I do not guess that that makes it appropriate for people to talk to me like I am stupid. In fact, I

The drainfield repair was certainly costly

The drainfield repair was certainly costly

Not that long ago I had some problems with my drainfield! It was smelly outside as well as there was resting water in the yard. I knew it was a septic concern. I was certainly sad about the cost, then anytime something is wrong with septic or drainage due to the septic, that is a

Roof was covered under hurricane damage

Roof was covered under hurricane damage

My area goes through hurricane season every year. Usually, it is a lot of talk and some light rain. Unfortunately, this year brought about high winds, horrible rain, and a bit of damage. A tree on my rental property fell down and hit the roof of one of my units. The roof overhanging the porch

My neighbor’s Heating and A/C is an issue

My neighbor’s Heating and A/C is an issue

It seems like everyone I deal with these afternoons is mad. I mean some of the faces I see around me are just irritated or complete stone. It’s so refreshing to walk inside the commercial Heating and A/C of a shop plus someone really says hi with a smile. And there is no reasoning with

Rust on my window component A/C

Rust on my window component A/C

The window component air conditioning in my living room is honestly old! Not only does the window component A/C make a lot of noise plus only work when it wants to, however the back of the component is completely rusted; Living close to the ocean, this is likely to happen. Some people say that the

Heading to bed and needing to have a fan or lower the control unit

Heading to bed and needing to have a fan or lower the control unit

When summertime rolls around I get so excited because I feel like I have a life again. In the winter time I am cooped up inside and there’s not a lot of activity going on. Whereas when it’s summer time there are concerts, and so several fun things to do doing especially around where I

Surprise discovery in the basement

Surprise discovery in the basement

I work for a company that provides cleaning services for families after a person passes. Many times it is just too emotional for them or they are overwhelmed by the amount of stuff that a person has collected. Oftentimes we have encountered homes that are so packed with useless items that we have to hire

Mice can get stuck in the HVAC system plus chew through wires

Mice can get stuck in the HVAC system plus chew through wires

There is nothing that can be scarier than having a mouse running around in your house. I don’t like when I have to see it running around to. There is nothing that grosses me out more. My animal prefers hunting the mice especially during the winter season time. It kind of helps me out though.

Five More Heating and Cooling Technology Stories and Then a Rest

Five More Heating and Cooling Technology Stories and Then a Rest

I have a new radiant space heater and am going to toss out my old portable gas heater that I got so many years ago. Last night there was a party at my aunt’s house and we had so much fun. My brother and I sang some songs and played our guitar and drum while

I was trying to save on repair; now pay more for repair

I was trying to save on repair; now pay more for repair

Sometimes people make mistakes. This is really the case in my life time and time again. I’ve learned to forgive myself and transport on from my errors rather than beating myself up too badly. One of the things that I have regularly been particularly anxious about was our budget and bi-weekly expenditure. I regularly keep