Smart thermostat still hasn’t adapted

Smart thermostat still hasn’t adapted

This year has probably been the strangest won in American history. I think everyone is getting pretty fed up with all of the drama that has been going on in our country for the past several months. Everyday feels like something new and more terrifying than before. As such, I’m actually completely content to stay

AC breaks at the HVAC repair shop

AC breaks at the HVAC repair shop

Occasionally life is just way too ironic to be coincidental. I wonder if there are messages from the universe being sent my direction on a standard basis, and for instance, every time I have a disadvantage energy it seems like more negativity flows into my life. If I’m not being grateful for everything that I

The furnace at the ecumenical household broke

The furnace at the ecumenical household broke

The furnace at the ecumenical household broke as well as I had to go rescue the elderly people… The furnace at the ecumenical household had been having various complications the past month, as well as they had busy for a Heating as well as A/C supplier to come in in one week to do an

Heated Floors

Heated Floors

When I first moved out of my parent’s house, I planned on finding a luxury apartment with all of the best appliances. I had saved a ton of cash from residing at dwelling after school, so I planned to spend a lot on a beautiful town apartment. I also planned on purchasing the apartment rather

The best fast food play location ever.

The best fast food play location ever.

My uncle was so delighted with how the cooling system worked, he paid me a lot of currency simply for lubricating the parts in the air conditioner I visited my uncle’s current diner a few afternoons ago plus I was amazed at the quality of the diner. The tables, chairs, plus flooring were all sharp

Carpooling with hot woman

Carpooling with hot woman

I’m not entirely sure what factors play into the natural body temperature deviations of individuals, but I can tell you that my coworker and I certainly differ in respect to these characteristics. It wasn’t much of a problem at work, because we’re in an office with a set temperature program which no one can alter

Air conditioning repairs and maintenance keep me busy

Air conditioning repairs and maintenance keep me busy

I work for an air conditioning repair, maintenance, and installation company in Northeast Florida. The air conditioning repair, maintenance, and installation company is based out of Jacksonville, but we service all of Duval county and the surrounding areas. During the summer months, air conditioning repairs and maintenance keep me very busy. From morning until night,

Space boiler gets water in it

Space boiler gets water in it

Every winter, I gather all of the space boilers in the home plus prepare for the long, frosty winter. I make sure that they are all in working order plus that each space boiler is safe plus good to go. Without doubt, there is consistently a space boiler that does not work, and this year,

Sleeping in the living room

Sleeping in the living room

I grew up with five siblings in a single parent home. My mom did a great job of raising us plus learned odd ways to get by as a single mom. She was absolutely creative plus found ways to save money so that my friend and I could live a comfortable life. She clipped coupons

Never going again

Never going again

My friends plus family are consistently trying to convince me to get out of the condo more often. They think that I have a problem with being a homebody plus refusing to leave. They kept pushing me to join an online Meetup Group, which would have real life members meetings every few weeks. I was

Jury duty can’t be worse, unless A/C never stops

Jury duty can’t be worse, unless A/C never stops

This week has been a identifiably awful one. I have been meeting every frustration, obstacle, plus dead ends that you can imagine. Every morning, my commute to labor has been awful. The environment around the office has been tense plus full of mishaps. And there have been a lot of miscommunications with my loved ones.

Enjoying the noise of the air vents

Enjoying the noise of the air vents

I love to fall asleep to the sound of other noises. I will turn the cable on. I will turn other things that make noise on. But the one thing I love to listen to when I sleep is the air coming out of the air vents. I love waking up in the middle of

Jury duty can’t be worse, unless AC never stops

Jury duty can’t be worse, unless AC never stops

Every night when my friend and I speak, she says she isfantasizing about standing in normal levels of a/c when she gets home This week has been a particularally exhausting one. I have been meeting every frustration, obstacle, and dead ends that you can imagine. Every afternoon, my commute to work has been awful. The

Shop owner lets us sweat in the back

Shop owner lets us sweat in the back

Who you work for makes a large difference in your overall life satisfaction, however i have had a lot of easily horrible bosses before in my life, however unfortunately, it seems like tyrannical & uncaring boys hold a place in nearly every corporation that I have ever encountered; For some reason, these are the characters

Carpooling with warm woman

Carpooling with warm woman

I’m not truly sure what factors play into the natural body temperature deviations of individuals, although I can tell you that my coworker as well as I legitimately differ in respect to these characteristics. It wasn’t much of a problem at work, because we’re in an office with a set temperature program which no one

Friend has terrible currency management

Friend has terrible currency management

It’s angry to hang out at her apartment, as well as I always leave early to get back to my own A/C at home I feel like everyone has that neighbor who can’t manage their own finances, even when they’re gave nice advice on better practices, but i know I’ve had plenty of friends like

When I said I needed something overheated in my life… furnace husbandy

When I said I needed something overheated in my life… furnace husbandy

This past year has been severely challenging. I was trapped in a pretty awful relationship for much of it. The relationship was not particularally sentimental or exciting, to be clear. It was pretty boring, obligatory, and toxic. Honestly, I don’t know how I managed to be with this guy for so long. There was not

I was trying to save on maintenance; now pay more for repair

I was trying to save on maintenance; now pay more for repair

Sometimes people make mistakes. This is definitely the case in my life time and time again. I’ve learned to forgive myself and move on from my errors rather than beating myself up too badly. One of the things that I have always been very concerned about was our budget and monthly expenditure. I always keep

Installing a brand new heating system

Installing a brand new heating system

Now that winter is on the way I have to replace my Heating plus A/C system. I had to replace my Heating plus A/C system last year. However I could not afford to do this last year. I had a bunch of other things that I had to repair after last year. So now that

The difference between modern and old air conditioners and boilers

The difference between modern and old air conditioners and boilers

Old window air conditioners did not, but, have any air filters which does make a immense difference in how well they work The difference between modern and old air conditioners and boilers is immense and is worth talking about. When I was a kid, I loved learning about the early stages of technology, recognizably in

Relationship ender, pet dander

Relationship ender, pet dander

However, when my associate and I met up, it became clear that he had no interest in animals. A few months ago I started putting myself back on the market as far as passionate relationships are concerned. It has been about a year since my last relationship, and I felt like I was finally healed

The difference between new and seasoned a/cs and boilers

The difference between new and seasoned a/cs and boilers

The difference between new and seasoned a/cs and boilers is big and is worth talking about. When I was a kid, I loved learning about the early stages of technology, particularly in the world of Heating plus Air Conditioning. I learned about the first window a/c that was made from only a few unusual parts.

Not changing my schedule anymore

Not changing my schedule anymore

Changing your habits as an adult is so difficult. You get used to things being a particular way every day, plus it’s hard to do things differently. This is how people get stuck in rocks plus lead unfulfilling lives. However, I’m here to argue in the case of routines. In fact, I refused to change

Opening our own HVAC shop comes with drama

Opening our own HVAC shop comes with drama

When my husband said that he wanted to open his own business I was immediately on board. I was never very fond of his old boss or his schedule at work. It seems like he was constantly getting stuck with the worst shifts and we could barely manage to live a functional life because of

Never going again

Never going again

My friends & family are always trying to convince me to get out of the house more often. They suppose that I have a concern with being a homebody & refusing to leave. They kept pushing me to join an online Meetup Group, which would have real life members meetings every few weeks. I was

Rain keeps coming in windows

Rain keeps coming in windows

I’ve only recently moved to a brand new neighborhood in a really unusual climate than what I was accustomed to, and I’m trying my best to adjust. I’ve lived in the midwest for most of my life, and I have never had such a muggy climate around me, until now. It seems like every afternoon

Work outside and cherish your AC

Work outside and cherish your AC

A lot of my neighbors have been complaining about the Summer climate this year. I understand that it has been oppressively tepid and humid but I don’t know what else they would expect. This has been our normal climate pattern for as long as I can remember. However, it seems like no one is ever

Acts of kindness – helped HVAC tech buy fiance gift

Acts of kindness – helped HVAC tech buy fiance gift

Sometimes it pays off to be a relaxing lady. The other afternoon I was perusing my local department store, and noticed a man looking seriously uncomfortable and confused near my section. I wasn’t sure what she was doing on that side of the store, although she looked like she did not belong there. Even worse,

AC breaks at the Heating and Air Conditioning repair shop

AC breaks at the Heating and Air Conditioning repair shop

I thought it was pretty funny that my buddy and I were out all day trying to repair residential heating and cooling systems all over the city, but meanwhile, back at the shop, my buddy and I had the most rudimentary and neglected Heating and Air Conditioning system you could imagine! Nobody ever wanted to