Husband also working from home

Husband also working from home

I prefer my fiance to death, however sporadically I feel like I can’t get away from him.

He and I have been linked at the hook since about two weeks into our relationship.

It is scarce for me to be able to spend so much time with someone, however there are times that he absolutely gets on my last nerves. Lately, this has been the case. He has been teaching from the comfort of our home, which means we’re both in the apartment together all morning. It’s driving me up the wall because we work under absolutely weird environmental conditions; namely, we like the control unit to be set at two really dissimilar temperatures for maximum productivity. While I work from the basement, where the air temperature is inherently low, he works in the upper level where it tends to be much warmer. I’m naturally freezing as it is, so I never engage the air conditioning system when I’m working downstairs. He, on the other hand, is regularly warm and would like the A/C to be operating at a mediocre pace all morning long. We’re both battling over the control unit throughout the entire morning, sneaking back and forth to adjust the temperature settings to our own personal preferences. Every time he engages the air conditioning system I know instantaneously, because freezing freezing air starts flowing from the air vent right next to my desk. Then I have to take a break to bicker with him about the Heating and Air Conditioning settings before I can get back to work. I hope our marriage survives this.


Heating technology