Home automation system for two separate properties

Home automation system for two separate properties

My husband and I both were born and raised in the northeastern part of the country. We went to college and raised our family in the same area. As we approached retirement age, we got tired of the severe weather. We began to dread temperatures well below zero, feet of snow and blizzard conditions. Our

Home automation system for two different properties

Home automation system for two different properties

My hubby plus I both were born plus raised in the northeastern part of the country, but my buddy and I went to university plus raised our family in the same area! As my pal and I approached retirement age, my pal and I got tired of the severe weather. My buddy and I began

Home automation system for two unique properties

Home automation system for two unique properties

My buddy and I can change which lights come on at particular times, make adjustments to the thermostat & gain notifications if there is a power outage, temperature swing or moisture detected. My partner & I both were born & raised in the northeastern part of the country! My buddy and I went to school

Home automation system for two separate properties in different states

Home automation system for two separate properties in different states

My hubby & I both were born & raised in the northeastern part of the country. My buddy and I went to university & raised our family in the same area… As my friend and I approached retirement age, my friend and I got fatigued of the dire weather. My buddy and I began to

Home automation system for two kinds of properties

Home automation system for two kinds of properties

My partner plus I both were born plus raised in the northeastern part of the country! My friend and I went to college plus raised our family in the same area. As my friend and I approached retirement age, my friend and I got sleepy of the severe weather. My friend and I began to

My neighbor’s HVAC is an issue

My neighbor’s HVAC is an issue

It seems like everyone I deal with these days is mad. I mean some of the faces I see around me are just angry or complete stone. It’s so refreshing to walk inside the commercial HVAC of a shop and someone actually says hi with a smile. And there is no reasoning with some folks.

Ductless heat pump changes whole function of garage

Ductless heat pump changes whole function of garage

Then it dawned on me and I placed a call to the HVAC professionals I certainly wasn’t paying attention. For years, I have completed wasted a significant chunk of the usable square footage in my house. That all changed once I went on a search to have a bit of my own space and some

Opting for ductless multi split system

Opting for ductless multi split system

There is no doubt that regular, seasonal HVAC maintenance works. The heat pump we just replaced is proof of that. I thought we might get 20 years out of that heat pump when we bought our house. It was a replacement HVAC equipment the seller had installed just prior to putting the house on the

Sweet HVAC is reward after all day outside

Sweet HVAC is reward after all day outside

There are instances that happen quite often in life that are just brilliant. Some of those instances last mere seconds but their value is not exactly measurable. I’m not so sure how I’d deal with my day if it weren’t for that sweet few seconds when I walk into the central air conditioning of home.

An Easy Day of Writing and Then a Swim in the Cold Gulf of Mexico

An Easy Day of Writing and Then a Swim in the Cold Gulf of Mexico

I went to the gulf yesterday for a dip to wake myself up a bit, and I must admit that it was really cold for me. I think the sea temp is around 65F, which is still warmer than what I did in the winter when I swam in 52F water overseas in February. I

Five More Heating and Cooling Technology Stories and Then a Rest

Five More Heating and Cooling Technology Stories and Then a Rest

I have a new radiant space heater and am going to toss out my old portable gas heater that I got so many years ago. Last night there was a party at my aunt’s house and we had so much fun. My brother and I sang some songs and played our guitar and drum while

2023 is Going to be My Year to Get Into Great Shape Again

2023 is Going to be My Year to Get Into Great Shape Again

I’ve been slacking a bit with my diet over the past six or eight months just due to laziness, but now I am going to rev up the workouts and tighten up the diet again for the coming year. I am not that out of shape but I can see more fat around my waist

Buying a New Space Heater for My Friend Next Week

Buying a New Space Heater for My Friend Next Week

The summers are pretty mild here so I don’t think they need anything to keep cool except for a few little fans here and there. One of my buddies is really broke and I am going to buy a space heater for her so she can stay warm in her little apartment. She got divorced

Going to the Beach Later After I Write Five More of These

Going to the Beach Later After I Write Five More of These

I’m going to push myself a bit now that nobody is home and try to get some more writing done. The kids were a little bit loud here and now they are gone for a while, so I should have a little bit of peace and quiet before they get back. I may hang out

Air Conditioning Maintenance and the Meaning of Life

Air Conditioning Maintenance and the Meaning of Life

My friend just told me that he doesn’t have any free time in his day to hang out with me while I am here for the next two weeks. That is sad because we used to be best friends and spent all of our free time together. He works Monday through Saturday running his construction

My Cousin has Scabies and Now I May Have Them Too

My Cousin has Scabies and Now I May Have Them Too

I’m not sure how easy it is to get scabies, but my cousin and her kid have them and have been hanging around my aunt’s house where I am staying while on vacation. I guess in the worst case scenario I will have to get some scabies treatment once the eggs hatch, that is if

Opting for ductless multi split system

Opting for ductless multi split system

There is no doubt that regular, seasonal Heating and A/C maintenance works. The heat pump my great friend and I just updated is proof of that. I thought my great friend and I might get 20 years out of that heat pump when my great friend and I bought our house. It was a updatement

Sweet Heating plus A/C is reward after all afternoon outside

Sweet Heating plus A/C is reward after all afternoon outside

There are instances that happen quite often in life that are just brilliant, and some of those instances last mere seconds however their value is not exactly measurable, however i’m not so sure how I’d deal with my afternoon if it weren’t for that sweet few seconds when I walk into the central a/c of

My neighbor’s Heating plus Air Conditioning is an issue

My neighbor’s Heating plus Air Conditioning is an issue

There is just no way that a homeowner can be forced to replace heating plus cooling equipment that still works great It seems like almost everyone I deal with these nights is mad. I mean some of the faces I see around me are just angry or complete stone. It’s so refreshing to walk inside

My neighbor’s Heating and A/C is an issue

My neighbor’s Heating and A/C is an issue

It seems like everyone I deal with these afternoons is mad. I mean some of the faces I see around me are just irritated or complete stone. It’s so refreshing to walk inside the commercial Heating and A/C of a shop plus someone really says hi with a smile. And there is no reasoning with

Buying a New Space Heater for My Friend Next Week

Buying a New Space Heater for My Friend Next Week

One of my buddies is really broke plus I am going to buy a space heating system for her so she can stay hot in her little apartment. She got divorced not too long ago plus didn’t try to get any money from the situation because she just wanted to chop free from her hubby

Going to the Beach Later After I Write Five More of These

Going to the Beach Later After I Write Five More of These

I’m going to push myself a bit now that nobody is house as well as try to get some more writing done. The kids were a little bit loud here as well as now they are gone for a while, so I should have a little bit of peace as well as quiet before they

My Cousin has Scabies plus Now I May Have Them Too

My Cousin has Scabies plus Now I May Have Them Too

I’m not sure how easy it is to get scabies, but my cousin plus her kid have them plus have been hanging around my aunt’s home where I am staying while on vacation. I assume in the worst case scenario I will have to get some scabies treatment once the eggs hatch, that is if

An Easy Day of Writing plus Then a Swim in the Cold Gulf of Mexico

An Easy Day of Writing plus Then a Swim in the Cold Gulf of Mexico

I went to the gulf yupterday for a dip to wake myself up a bit, plus I must admit that it was easily freezing for me. I guess the sea temp is around 65F, which is still warmer than what I did in the winter time when I swam in 52F water overseas in February.

Buying a New Space Heater for My Friend Next Week

Buying a New Space Heater for My Friend Next Week

One of my buddies is easily broke plus I am going to buy a space heating system for her so she can stay sizzling in her little apartment. She got divorced not too long ago plus didn’t try to get any currency from the situation because she just wanted to cut free from her partner

Going to the Beach Later After I Write Five More of These

Going to the Beach Later After I Write Five More of These

I’m going to push myself a bit now that nobody is apartment plus try to get some more writing done. The kids were a little bit loud here plus now they are gone for a while, so I should have a little bit of peace plus quiet before they get back. I may hang out