Easy AC Options for Homeowners

Air Conditioning Maintenance as well as the Meaning of Life

Air Conditioning Maintenance as well as the Meaning of Life

It seems like all of my friends are so tied up that I certainly won’t see them till they retire! This is why I work part time doing Heating as well as Air Conditioning system repairs as well as heating unit sales; so I have time to live life as well as not work all

An Easy Day of Writing plus Then a Swim in the Cold Gulf of Mexico

An Easy Day of Writing plus Then a Swim in the Cold Gulf of Mexico

I went to the gulf yupterday for a dip to wake myself up a bit, plus I must confess that it was really chilly for me. I assume the sea temp is around 65F, which is still warmer than what I did in the winter time when I swam in 52F water overseas in January.

Ductless heat pump changes whole function of garage

Ductless heat pump changes whole function of garage

I honestly wasn’t paying attention. For years, I have completed wasted a significant chunk of the usable square footage in my house. That all changed once I went on a search to have a bit of my own space as well as some privacy. I spend all day inside a building with commercial HVAC that

My neighbor’s HVAC is an issue

My neighbor’s HVAC is an issue

It seems like all the people I deal with these days is mad. I mean some of the faces I see around me are just miserable or complete stone. It’s so refreshing to walk inside the commercial HVAC of a shop as well as someone certainly says hi with a smile. And there is no

Sweet HVAC is reward after all day outside

Sweet HVAC is reward after all day outside

There are instances that happen quite often in life that are just brilliant; Some of those instances last mere seconds but their value is not exactly measurable; I’m not so sure how I’d deal with my day if it weren’t for that sweet few seconds when I walk into the central air conditioner of home.

Opting for ductless multi split system

Opting for ductless multi split system

There is no doubt that regular, seasonal Heating plus A/C service works. The heat pump my pal and I just upgraded is proof of that. I thought my pal and I might get 20 years out of that heat pump when my pal and I bought our house. It was a upgradement Heating plus A/C

2023 is Going to be My Year to Get Into Great Shape Again

2023 is Going to be My Year to Get Into Great Shape Again

I’ve been slacking a bit with my diet over the past six or eight months just due to laziness, but now I am going to rev up the workouts plus tighten up the diet again for the coming year. I am not that out of shape but I can see more fat around my waist

Buying a New Space Heater for My Friend Next Week

Buying a New Space Heater for My Friend Next Week

One of my buddies is certainly broke as well as I am going to buy a space heater for his so he can stay warm in his little apartment. She got divorced not too long ago as well as didn’t try to get any money from the situation because he just wanted to cut free

Air Conditioning Maintenance plus the Meaning of Life

Air Conditioning Maintenance plus the Meaning of Life

My friend just told me that she does not have any free time in her afternoon to hang out with me while I am here for the next two weeks. That is sad because we used to be best friends plus spent all of our free time together. She works Thursday through Monday running her

Going to the Beach Later After I Write Five More of These

Going to the Beach Later After I Write Five More of These

I’m going to push myself a bit now that nobody is home plus try to get some more writing done. The teenagers were a little bit loud here plus now they are gone for a while, so I should have a little bit of peace plus quiet before they get back. I may hang out

School is stressful, paying bills is even worse

School is stressful, paying bills is even worse

If you have gone back to school in the last 20 years I commend you for all of the stress that you’ve been under. It is no laughing matter when it comes to education and degrees these days. It seems like it’s impossible to get any kind of job unless you have attended an expensive

Travelling across the country… with my own portable AC

Travelling across the country… with my own portable AC

When I travel, not only do I call ahead to try to arrange for a room with a working heating, cooling, and ventilation system, but I bring backup measures to make absolutely sure that the AC will suit my sleep preferences. I am what you would refer to as a frequent flyer. Well, except that

Daughter tells me she can’t sleep without AC unit

Daughter tells me she can’t sleep without AC unit

The AC unit is over ten years old and it has rarely been inspected by a professional HVAC technician I try my best to be a good parent, but it isn’t easy. These days there are so many things to watch out for when you’re raising a young person. If it’s not their cellphones, it’s

Lectured by the HVAC tech for bargain air filters

Lectured by the HVAC tech for bargain air filters

Sometimes I really want to tell people to back off and treat me with a little respect. I know that I am a relatively young and attractive woman, but I don’t think that that makes it appropriate for people to talk to me like I’m stupid. In fact, I am extremely well educated and accomplished

Can’t get over him when the HVAC truck is everywhere

Can’t get over him when the HVAC truck is everywhere

I actually helped to design the wraps for his HVAC work trucks which are used by the professional heating, cooling, and air quality control technicians that he employs I have to admit that I am a sentimental sucker. Even after I break up with somebody I have a hard time breaking in my thought patterns

Shop owner lets us sweat in the back

Shop owner lets us sweat in the back

Who you work for makes a big difference in your overall life satisfaction. I have had a lot of really horrible bosses before in my life. Unfortunately, it seems like tyrannical and uncaring men hold a place in nearly every company that I have ever encountered. For some reason, these are the characters who rise

I was trying to save on maintenance; now pay more for repair

I was trying to save on maintenance; now pay more for repair

Sometimes people make mistakes. This is definitely the case in my life time and time again. I’ve learned to forgive myself and move on from my errors rather than beating myself up too badly. One of the things that I have always been very concerned about was our budget and monthly expenditure. I always keep

Thank god for basements; sheltering in the storm

Thank god for basements; sheltering in the storm

There’s nothing worse than suddenly having a wrench thrown into your day. This happens when you pretty often because I live in a fairly unpredictable environment. Working on the farm means that I have a lot of unexpected animal problems to deal with. You never know when one of the horses is going to hurt

Got drenched, then frozen, in storm

Got drenched, then frozen, in storm

The only option was to run inside the public building that stood in front of us. You never know what weather you’re going to get in this area of the country. I know people always think that they have the worst weather conditions on the planet wherever they live… But I think that we actually

Smart thermostat still hasn’t adapted

Smart thermostat still hasn’t adapted

This year has probably been the strangest won in American history. I think everyone is getting pretty fed up with all of the drama that has been going on in our country for the past several months. Everyday feels like something new and more terrifying than before. As such, I’m actually completely content to stay

Opening our own HVAC shop comes with drama

Opening our own HVAC shop comes with drama

When my husband said that he wanted to open his own business I was immediately on board. I was never very fond of his old boss or his schedule at work. It seems like he was constantly getting stuck with the worst shifts and we could barely manage to live a functional life because of

Work outside and appreciate your AC

Work outside and appreciate your AC

A lot of my neighbors have been complaining about the summer climate this year. I understand that it has been oppressively hot and humid but I don’t know what else they would expect. This has been our normal climate pattern for as long as I can remember. However, it seems like no one is ever

There’s always something to do

There’s always something to do

I don’t know how other people talk about having chill, relaxed weekends. If you ask me, having a weekend free of obligation doesn’t exist. I have never been able to get off work, kick pass, and relax for two days straight. In my world, there is always something that needs to be accomplished and there’s

AC breaks at the HVAC repair shop

AC breaks at the HVAC repair shop

Sometimes life is just way too ironic to be coincidental. I wonder if there are messages from the universe being sent my direction on a regular basis. For instance, every time I have a negative energy it seems like more negativity flows into my life. If I’m not being grateful for everything that I have

Mom is too protective; terrified of kid falling in air duct

Mom is too protective; terrified of kid falling in air duct

I really love my mom but she can be a bit over-the-top. She is constantly coming up with some new thing to be worried about and talking your ear off about it. If you aren’t interested that won’t stop her from running her mouth. I try my best to be patient and understanding with her

Met my daughter; she’s the newest HVAC tech

Met my daughter; she’s the newest HVAC tech

When I was younger I definitely didn’t understand what it took to lead an upstanding and respectful life. I was a bit of a hellion after having endured a lot of difficult times in my family home. I can honestly say that I rebelled thanks to my family trauma and abuse. However, there were long

School is stressful, paying bills is even worse

School is stressful, paying bills is even worse

If you have gone back to university in the last 20 years I commend you for all of the stress that you’ve been under. It is no laughing matter when it comes to education in addition to degrees these afternoons. It seems like it’s impossible to get any kind of job unless you have attended